Home Videos [VIDEO] 2017 C7 Corvette Grand Sport Goes Up Against the Jaguar F-Type SVR

[VIDEO] 2017 C7 Corvette Grand Sport Goes Up Against the Jaguar F-Type SVR

by Rob LoszewskiRob Loszewski
[VIDEO] 2017 C7 Corvette Grand Sport Goes Up Against the Jaguar F-Type SVR

Roadshow takes the 2017 Corvette Grand Sport to the track and compares it with the UK’s latest quick cat; the Jaguar F-Type SVR. Which of these sports cars is worth your money?

There’s no doubt that the automotive media has been having a field day with the C7 Grand Sport since it debuted earlier this year.  Essentially a Z06 without the 650 supercharged horsepower, the Grand Sport has been acquiring rave reviews for being an extremely formidable track monster.

By utilizing the LT1 engine’s naturally aspirated 465 horsepower as well as the Z06 Corvette’s wider body, tires, wheels and suspension bits, the Grand Sport doesn’t stand a chance on paper as compared to the Jaguar F-Type SVR.

The 2017 Jaguar comes with a supercharged 575 horsepower, but has to work harder to move its nearly 3,800 lbs as compared to the Grand Sport Corvette’s lighter weight.

So how do the two stack up?  Watch the video and find out!

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