Home Misc. Corvette News Man injured after rolling convertible Corvette in accident west of Modesto

Man injured after rolling convertible Corvette in accident west of Modesto

by Rob LoszewskiRob Loszewski
Man injured after rolling convertible Corvette in accident west of Modesto

By Erin Tracy
The Modesto Bee

MODESTO, CALIFORNIA – A man driving a convertible Corvette west of Modesto on Monday crashed into a power pole and might have lost his thumb after his car rolled several times, according to the California Highway Patrol.

The car was driving north on Finney Road north of Beckwith Road at about 1 p.m. when it veered to the right and crashed into a power pole.

The Corvette continued north and rolled at least once, according to the CHP. The driver reportedly lost a thumb as a result of the crash.

Full Story: http://www.modbee.com/2014/07/14/3439539/man-injured-after-rolling-convertible.html?sp=/99/1623/#storylink=cpy

Related Forum Discussion: http://www.corvetteactioncenter.com/forums/c4-general-discussion/138627-man-injured-after-rolling-convertible-corvette-accident-west-modesto.html

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