Home Misc. Corvette News Corvette enthusiasts like ‘one big family’

Corvette enthusiasts like ‘one big family’

by Rob LoszewskiRob Loszewski
Corvette enthusiasts like 'one big family'

The Daily News

BOWLING GREEN, KY – Tina Thompson of Guthrie always heard the Corvette was a man’s car, so when she bought a Corvette five years ago, she decided to make sure hers was unmistakably a woman’s by painting it pink.

“I wanted something that nobody else had, and I wanted it to say woman,” she said.

Thompson has been a Corvette fan since first seeing one in high school in the late 1970s.

“I fell in love with them back then and said ‘eventually I will have one.’ ”

Now, she has a one-of-a-kind 1998 Corvette she calls Pink Ice, which she showcased at the 33rd annual National Corvette Homecoming on Saturday at the Sloan Convention Center. The three-day event featured an indoor and outdoor car show with celebrity judges, a road tour of the countryside, guest speakers and vendors.

Full Story: http://www.bgdailynews.com/news/corvette-enthusiasts-like-one-big-family/article_049d8172-53b1-5f82-8ccb-ea8d5466d729.html?mode=story

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