Home C6 Corvette News [VIDEO] Teenager Flips Over Speeding Corvette – Don’t Try This At Home!

[VIDEO] Teenager Flips Over Speeding Corvette – Don’t Try This At Home!

by Bradan DonaldsonBradan Donaldson
In a car park, many gather to witness Matthew Brown expertly time a flip over a C6 Corvette travelling over 30mph.

Teenage daredevil flips over C6 Corvette driving straight towards him at 30mph in terrifying stunt

Here’s something not to try at home!

Matthew Brown, an 18-year old daredevil took to a parking lot in St. Louis, Missouri as onlookers watched him run toward a C6 Corvette coming at him at 30 mph.

As onlookers recorded the stunt on their phones, Brown literally jumped in the air and somersaults over the Corvette just before hitting him.

A teenage daredevil in St. Louis, Missouri flips over a C6 Corvette driving straight towards him at 30mph in terrifying stunt.

While it’s difficult to see in the video, it sounds like Brown may have made contact with the Corvette at some point before hitting the ground behind the car.

A teenage daredevil in St. Louis, Missouri flips over a C6 Corvette driving straight towards him at 30mph in terrifying stunt.One witness cried out “Oh my God” after hearing the potential impact, but Brown appears uninjured after the stunt.

I remember when I felt like “the man” while rafting through the Colorado River rapids one year and walking away unscathed with an adrenaline rush.  While I love Corvette, somersaulting over one coming at me isn’t really my cup of tea. LOL

But, whatever makes your boat float!

Source:  Daily Mail UK

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