Home Misc. Corvette News Corvette owners rally to collect food for needy

Corvette owners rally to collect food for needy

by Rob LoszewskiRob Loszewski
Tom Psillas raises oversized gloved hands as he helps other workers line up Corvette drivers participating in a Corvette cruise, at the conclusion of the Corvettes on Woodward event, held at the Kingsley Inn-Bloomfield Hills. Jose Juarez, Special to the News

The Detroit News
11:48 p.m. EDT August 12, 2015

Bloomfield Hills — What do you call a car that is twisted steel and sex appeal while as All-American as a 12-gauge shotgun?

A Corvette.

For the 10th straight year more than 400 Vettes (and we don’t mean Chevettes) gathered in the parking lot of the Kingsley Inn for a food drive and strut-your-stuff rally on Woodward. And the man in charge of it again this year is its original organizer, Larry Courtney, and his wife, Verna.

“I got the idea for the food drive after I met the wonderful people at the Open Hands Food Pantry in Royal Oak,” Courtney said. “After my visit I said, ‘Man, nobody should go hungry at this time in my life.’ ”

So Courtney organized the Corvettes on Woodward rally where Vette owners are asked to donate $10, canned and dried foods as well as toiletries for the needy.

Full Story: Corvette owners rally to collect food for needy

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