Home Misc. Corvette News Corvette Demographics – Highest US Density

Corvette Demographics – Highest US Density

by Rob LoszewskiRob Loszewski

A month ago, we wrote an article about the current Corvette Demographics based upon 2015 sales numbers.

GM Parts Center, a Genuine GM parts supplier located in Arizona, recently compiled the data of online shoppers who have come to their site to purchase Corvette parts and put together some interesting demographic data.

According to their data, the largest number of Corvettes can be found in the states of Texas, Florida, California, and New York. In fact, Florida ranked number one where Corvettes can be found on a total volume basis as well as a per capita basis.

The Corvette was also found to be popular in the states of Michigan, Kentucky, Tennessee and South Carolina.

For more details and graphics, head on over to GM Parts Center!

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