1984 - 1996 Corvette: Sun Visor Repair Tips

From Jerry Watts, Retired Corvette Action Center engineer:

The windshield sun visor on a C4 has a fold about four inches from the windshield post where the visor rests when not in use.  After some time, this fold may get weak, allowing the end of the visor to droop.  However, this can be fixed without much effort and with a screw driver or flat object as your only tools. 

As far as materials go, all you need are two three-inch squares of quarter-inch width flat plastic.

To get started, lower the convertible top or remove the coupe top.  On the back of the visor you will note that the mirror is held on by two rubber push pins.  Slide the tool under the mirror about one inch from the end and gently pry up until the mirror comes loose.  Slide one piece of plastic underneath the cloth.  Gently ease the pins back into the mirror, being careful not to break the mirror.  Repeat the same procedure for the other visor.

Article ID: 149
Created: July 6, 2014
Last Updated: July 6, 2014

Online URL: https://www.corvetteactioncenter.com/tech/knowledgebase/article/1984-1996-corvette-sun-visor-repair-tips-149.html